The Final Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Trailer Breakdown | ALL THAT REYLO

The Final Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Trailer Breakdown | ALL THAT REYLO

Yippee kai yay, the final trailer for Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker dropped today on October 21st, 2019, the day of Carrie Fisher’s birthday. I have for you all my screen captures and first thoughts, the amazing reylo scenes, and weird scenes, and crazy scenes.

Let’s get started!

Rey in the jungle with helmet

First off, it’s a longish sequence of Rey running in the jungle, lightsaber drawn, freshly dropped helmet. What’s happening here? It seems like a part of the last teaser trailer, and Rey is practicing her Jedi skills with much running and lightsabering. I don’t know why she just dropped the helmet. Maybe it started out as practice, and real fights are about to happen?

Rey in Death Star

An utterly amazing transition, as Rey jumps from the jungle to what looks like the Death Star ruins. This calls back to Rey scavenging on Jakku in The Force Awakens. Great scene.

Finn putting down binoculars

Finn just saw some stuff. I think this is Pasaana, but I’m not sure, could be that Endor moon.

TROS crowd scene Lando

This is a crowd scene on a Resistance base obviously. They clearly have more recruits now, and I see Lando there, and Poe.

FInally Rose from The Rise of Skywalker

FINALLY. We see Rose Tico in her new clothes heading towards that ship. I think she’s looking for her love, Finn. Also, check out the orbaks on the left. Connix is behind her too.

Finn, Poe, and Chewie with orange xwing

I don’t know who or what Poe is looking at, but he’s with Finn and Chewie, and that orange X-wing of his is behind him. R2-D2 will be in it, based on merch leaks.

Tantive blockade runner

Looks like a Tantive blockade runner above the jungle.

Start of water fight

The water fight is about to begin near the Death Star, and that’s Rey up there.

Rey looking determined

Rey must see Kylo now. She’s got the lightsaber drawn.

Rey’s teeth. I wonder what she’s thinking. I also am wondering if this is actually on the Death Star remains, or a Force Flash Fight. If it’s the latter, maybe it’s a sign from the Force that she needs to go to the Death Star.

Kylo Ren approaches through the fog

Oh lawd he comin.

Soaking wet Kylo Ren lightsaber raised

Well guess who looks like a soaking wet Mr. Darcy? It’s Kylo Ren and he doesn’t really even look that mad, he almost looks sad rather.

Now Kylo Ren flips the lightsaber behind him. Interesting move. What does it signify?

Iceberg moon or planet

Just some Tie Fighters approaching a beautiful city among icebergs. So lovely.

Palpatine's thrones

I got this screen capture of that insane throne of Emperor Palpatine as the lightning illuminated it. Where’s Darth Sidious?

A lot of ships including the Millennium Falcon

A whole lotta ships, including the Millennium Falcon, and the Ghost from the cartoon Star Wars Rebels

Rey, Chewy, Finn, and C2PO, and Poe

Rey and Chewy, and Finn, Poe, and C3PO. Rey and Chewy really are so cute together.

Rey and Kylo Fighting

We’re back to that watery fight again, this time from a different side than in the Vanity Fair images. I think this may be the big angsty fight.

Some ship

I don’t know what ship this is, but it’s heading out to all that watery vastness where Rey is. Maybe Rey and Kylo ARE on the Death Star.

Babu Frick and C3PO

Aww… The little alien is Babu Frick, and he’s about to get into C3PO’s head. Rey is looking on concerned.

Zorii, Poe, Rey, and Finn

It’s Zorii, Poe, BB-8, D-0, Rey, and Finn looking sadly at C3P0. The latter droid is going to look at his friends one last time. This is obviously on Kijimi, the snowy droid factory planet, and the whole gang has coats. Will Zorii ever take off her mask?


Just a nice shot of C3PO.

Poe, Chewy, Finn, fighting storm troopers

Okay, major action scene. Poe, Chewy, and Finn are on a First Order ship. I wonder why? Are they trying to rescue Rey? Retrieve an item? Stormtrooper rebellion? I frikkin’ hope so.

BB-8 on Pasaana

It’s the desert on Pasaana again. BB-8 punches a hole through the dye cannister to create a diversion. This is the scene in the first trailers where Poe and Finn try to escape the Storm Troopers on Pasaana.

Lando and Chewy

Lando and Chewy. We saw some of this scene in the first teaser trailer.

Zorii's y wing

I think this is Zorii Bliss’s y-wing ship going up to a Star Destroyer to attack it. Must be near the end of the film for the big battle. I’m guessing Poe’s former girlfriend decides to join the battle after all, after a scene in which she initially doesn’t.

Orbak brigade

It’s an orbak brigade! These horse-like creatures are trained by Jannah. I see Finn there too, and maybe Rose? Those Orbaks are pretty calm around giant ships.

Rey and Kylo Ren

Such a beautiful scene. Rey and Kylo Ren in the throne room of Darth Sidious. Rey has her lightsaber drawn, but pointed down. Kylo Ren is maskless and calmly looking at her. I think they will finally make up here!

Finn running

Finn is just running on this splashy boat thing. I think Finn is yelling “Rey” here, and is likely coming to pick up Rey from the ship. If this scene truly had a Force Flash Fight, its possible only Rey was there, and Kylo met her through the Force, and has now disappeared. Anyways, I’m just speculating here. It also looks like the scene from TFA where Rey was abducted by Kylo and Finn screamed her name. Maybe Rey has volutarily left with Kylo and Finn sees it.

Kylo Ren and Rey fight Darth Vader

Holy hell, what is THIS! This is the most mind-blowing scene of the entire trailer. We finally see Kylo Ren wearing his cracked mask, and they are both fighting something together on this pristine white ship interior. But WHAT? We see Rey has a dagger, something referenced in some of the Star Wars leaks by JediPaxis (note: just because JP and MSW have items and plot beats correct, does not mean they have the whole story or context). I’m not sure what they just annihilated. At first I thought it was a Knight of Ren getting disintegrated like a White Walker from Game of Thrones, but it actually looked like it has Darth Vader’s mask. Crazy. But hey, we get our reylo team-up!!!

Finn, C2PO, and Poe

This looks like part of the scene we saw in April where Rey, Finn, and Poe are looking at someone in a desert cave. I see Rey’s lightsaber shine in Poe’s eyes. They are looking at her.

FInal battle scene orbaks

This scene with the Orbak brigade attacking Star Destroyers again. I don’t even know where this battle is, or how it’s even working. It’s lightning everywhere, and ships everywhere, and no actual ground in sight.

Kylo Ren resolve

I think it’s the same lighting-filled planet/world where the great battle is happening. Kylo Ren looks serious. Full of resolve. There’s also JJ Abram’s trademark lens flare.

Rey and the throne

It’s Rey. No lightsaber drawn. I’m not sure what’s in the left foreground. I think it’s Emperor Palpatine. The ground is pretty weird. Is it a marble floor?

Rey looking determined, sad, but confident

So much emotion in this picture. Rey, tears in her eyes, looks confidently at something with lightsaber raised. Does she look at Kylo? Something else? I think this is her final meeting with Palpatine. She looks happy, rapturous even. I’m guessing she sees Ben Solo.

And now for the movie poster!!! It’s the official movie poster for The Rise of Skywalker. It’s gorgeous. Wish we had an unmasked Kylo Ren, but Rey looks great, and Lando and Rose Tico are not neglected.

I’ll add more to this blog over the next few days. I see scenes of Kylo Ren and Rey fighting, but we get plenty of scenes where they are interacting together, and not fighting. They don’t want to spoil everything in this movie trailer. I thought we’d see more obvious reylo (Kylo leaning into Rey or something), or actual Palpatine in the flesh, but Abrams is giving nothing away in this trailer. That’s pretty great, I think.

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